2 Days of unlocking opportunities

Practical information


Prepare yourself for two days of unlocking opportunities. For the invited startups we have compiled an overview of practical information to help you prepare as best as possible for Rotterdam Unlocked.

Practical Information


September 22

  • 12:30 Kickoff and introductions
  • 13:00 Dealmaking meetings
  • 15:00 Break
  • 15:30 Dealmaking meetings
  • 17:00 End of day one

September 23

  • 12:00 – In-depth meetings
    • Optional decided by the Challenge Owner
  • 14:30 Unlock the Ecosystem
  • 17:00 Pilot Announcement

Startup preparations

Get ready to take on the challenge!

During the Dealmaking Meetings, start-ups and corporates will have one-on-one business meetings to explore collaboration opportunities.   For these sessions, start-ups should prepare the following:

1 minute company introduction   A quick introduction of the company, what your position is and any other information you may find relevant to share.

3 minute product/technology pitch   Representatives from different branches of the corporate will be present. Cater your pitch to them.

Answers to the following questions:

  • How do you envision the pilot collaboration?
  • How does the business case look like?
  • How does your innovation impact the region?

Additional preparations:

  • Product demo (if relevant)
  • Sample and specs (if relevant)
  • Any other material which may be relevant

Relocating to Rotterdam?

Connect with Rotterdam Partners

Startups interested in relocating to Rotterdam are encouraged to connect with Jan-Willem van der Kolk, Business Manager Innovation at Rotterdam Partners.

Jan-Willem van der Kolk

Contact persons


Marloes Middelweerd


Jasper Warmenhoven

Municipality of Rotterdam

Ernst van Doorn – Unknown Group   E: Ernst@unknowngroup.com

Ernst van Doorn

Attending the online event

Be ready for Unlocked

The entire event of Rotterdam Unlocked will be fully online. Asides from the main event, as a startup or scale-up, you have been invited to join Deal making meetings via Microsoft Teams.

Each Deal making meeting is conducted in their own respective Microsoft Teams meeting. You will receive an invitation to each session accordingly.

Deal making meetings

As a startup or scale-up you have been invited for several deal making meetings with your respective challenge owners during the day.

During sessions of 25 minutes, you’ll have the opportunity to introduce your solution and discuss what a potential collaboration in the pilot project could look like.



Joining the Deal making meetings

  • You will receive calendar invites, including a Microsoft Teams link, to each individual Deal making meeting you are selected for.
  • Join the Deal making meeting via the corresponding link
  • A moderator will enter you into the Deal making meeting once your session starts.
  • Please accept all calendar invites before the 22nd of September

What to prepare?

  • Download and sign in into Microsoft Teams and familiarize with the software before the event
  • Make sure to have your  computer, a microphone and headphones with you
  • Find a quiet place where you can conduct your meetings and with a good internet connection
  • Prepare in advance any presentation or slides that you want to share during your meetings
  • On the event day, use the link shared with you via email to join the call (Remember, you receive a link for each individual Deal making meeting)
  • Log in the call 5 minutes before the start of the event, to test that everything is working properly


For mobile users:

  • Download the Microsoft Teams app in advance on your device from either the App store, or the Play store.
  • Make sure your camera and microphone are working properly
  • Ensure you have a stable internet connection

Frequently Asked Questions

For live updates during the event, follow our Event page

Please contact your contact person at Unknown Group

The event is only available for selected scale-ups.  Please contact your contact person at Unknown Group for further information.

If you have not received your invitation yet after being selected, please contact your contact at Unknown Group.

In the event that you are running late, please contact your contact person at Unknown Group immediatly. Due to the online nature of the event, there will be no additional exit time between meetings.

The event will be fully in English.

Business culture in Dutch can vary between companies and persons. Overall, Dutch business meetings tend to be straight to the point and fast-paced. Honesty and reliability are highly-valued traits in people. Unpleasant or difficult topics are tackled head-on and discussed rather then avoided. Dutch social interactions can (by expats) often be experienced as straightforward, direct and perhaps even rude. However the Dutch view straightforwardness and directness as honesty and sincerity. For more information about Dutch (business) culture, this site provides a detailed overview.

The event is fully online via video-connection for participants. Business casual (when in front of the camera) is recommended.